Break-lines are standard strings that denote the end of a new e-mail reply, where previous responses have been preserved. In other words, the Break-lines in Fusion prevents the addition of previously quoted content in an e-mail reply. This article provides details on using the Break-lines to achieve this goal and also information to keep into consideration about it.
The help desk will strip the entire text that follows the Break-line. The parser strips off the content to ensure the threaded ticket view within the client support interface and staff control panel is clean when viewing a ticket. An example of Break-lines:
Break-lines can be added from Admin CP > Mail parser > Breaklines > New. Break-lines can be added as plain text or using regular expression and specifying them as 'Regex.' Additionally, if you want that inserted Break-line should append in all the ticket replies automatically, then Break-line can be added at the above of the below mentioned templates from Admin CP > Templates > Templates > Tickets :
Original reply by client via E-mail :
Reply Content
—---Original Message-----
Quoted Message
Result (after ticket is parsed in the help desk):
Reply Content
- email_ticketstaffreplyhtml
- email_ticketstaffreplytext
Please Note:
- Break-lines only work on tickets created via e-mail / Mail Parser and do not work on tickets that are created via the client support center.
- These do not apply to new tickets. Means, if a client creates a new ticket via e-mail, which contains a text matching to a Break-line, it will not strip the text off from this first post.
- The Break-lines text will only be matched to *replies* to the existing tickets, which are being sent via e-mail.
Also, in case you would like Kayako to not include the ticket reply summary in staff replies, you can tell it to stop doing exactly that by going to Admin CP > Options > Tickets > Settings.