If you are on a 'Download' subscription with Kayako Classic, you can download the latest Kayako release files for installing or upgrading your Kayako instance.
Every time a new build or version is released, you would need to download the files to upgrade your current version of Kayako. Or, if you just started with Kayako, then you need to download the files needed for installing it on your server.
Refer to the steps in the solution section below on how to properly download the files for your Kayako Classic helpdesk.
- To access My.kayako.com, you need to use the registered billing email address on the license.
For GFI HelpDesk Customers
The current latest version of GFI Helpdesk 4.98.8 is available in this Google Drive folder. This is a temporary measure to get the latest build out while we are in process of making the build available on the official channel.
The official builds are available at
- Go to the GFI Upgrade Center.
- Select GFIHelpdesk from the 'Select Product' drop-down.
- Select your currently installed version from the 'Choose Version' drop-down.
- Click Check for Upgrade.
- On the next page, click Download Upgrade if an upgrade is available.
- Select your installation package based on your plan and download the files.
For All Other Customers (Non-GFI Helpdesk)
- Log into My.kayako.com and go to the 'My Orders' tab.
- Click on the arrow under 'My Orders' to see your product details:
- Here you'll see all of the details of your license including a link to the product files:
- Click the link to the product and save the file to your machine.
- Extract the package locally.
After downloading the product files, extract them on your local machine and upload them to your server. The extracted folder contains a sub-folder named 'upload', which contains all your helpdesk files. Using either the command line or an FTP client of your choice, upload all of the files from the 'upload' folder into the folder on your web server that you use to store your helpdesk. To learn about upgrading or downgrading Kayako Classic, you may visit the Upgrading or Downgrading Your Kayako Classic Download Helpdesk article.
NOTE: If you're using an FTP client, make sure you're uploading using binary mode.
- To learn about installing Kayako Classic, you may visit the Installing Kayako Classic article.