Hooks are placed inside a code file that allows functions in other code files to be run by having them hook into the current code. The framework ships with the hooks listed below.
For instructions on using hooks refer to Kayako Hooks.
Name |
Description |
Location |
restauthentication | This hook is executed after successful authentication in the REST API interface. | __swift/library/Controllers/class.Controller_api.php |
Admin Control Panel:
Name |
Description |
Location |
admin_dashboard_init | Is executed before any tabs are rendered in the admin dashboard. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.Controller_dashboard.php |
admin_dashboard_end | Is executed after all tabs are rendered in the admin dashboard. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.Controller_dashboard.php |
admin_dashboard_output_start | Is executed before the tab output 'div' containers are rendered in the admin dashboard. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.Controller_dashboard.php |
admin_dashboard_output_end | Is executed after the tab output 'div' containers are rendered in the admin dashboard. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.Controller_dashboard.php |
admin_staff_tabs | Is executed after the tabs are rendered in the 'Staff' section of admin control panel. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.View_Staff.php |
admin_staff_runchecks | Is executed after all the checks have been carried out whilst inserting/updating a Staff in admin control panel. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.Controller_Staff.php |
admin_staff_insert | Is executed after a Staff is inserted. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.Controller_Staff.php |
admin_staff_update | Is executed after a Staff is updated. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.Controller_Staff.php |
admin_staff_disable | Is executed when a Staff is disabled. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.Controller_Staff.php |
admin_staff_enable | Is executed when a Staff is enabled. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.Controller_Staff.php |
admin_staff_delete | Is executed when a Staff is deleted. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.Controller_Staff.php |
admin_staffteam_tabs | Is executed after the tabs are rendered in the 'Team' section of admin control panel. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.View_StaffGroup.php |
admin_staffteam_runchecks | Is executed after all the checks have been carried out whilst inserting/updating a Team in admin control panel. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.Controller_StaffGroup.php |
admin_staffteam_insert | Is executed after a Team is inserted. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.Controller_StaffGroup.php |
admin_staffteam_update | Is executed after a Team is updated. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.Controller_StaffGroup.php |
admin_staffteam_delete | Is executed when a Team is deleted. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.Controller_StaffGroup.php |
admin_department_tabs | Is executed after the tabs are rendered in the 'Department' section of admin control panel. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.View_Department.php |
admin_department_runchecks | Is executed after all the checks have been carried out whilst inserting/updating a Department in admin control panel. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.Controller_Department.php |
admin_department_insert | Is executed after a Department is inserted. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.Controller_Department.php |
admin_department_update | Is executed after a Department is updated. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.Controller_Department.php |
admin_department_delete | Is executed when a Department is deleted. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.Controller_Department.php |
admin_usergroup_tabs | Is executed after the tabs are rendered in the 'User Group' section of admin control panel. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.View_UserGroup.php |
admin_usergroup_runchecks | Is executed after all the checks have been carried out whilst inserting/updating a User Group in admin control panel. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.Controller_UserGroup.php |
admin_usergroup_insert | Is executed after a User Group is inserted. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.Controller_UserGroup.php |
admin_usergroup_update | Is executed after a User Group is updated. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.Controller_UserGroup.php |
admin_usergroup_delete | Is executed when a User Group is deleted. | __swift/apps/base/admin/class.Controller_UserGroup.php |
Staff Control Panel:
Name |
Description |
Location |
staff_dashboard_init | Is executed before any tabs are rendered in the staff dashboard. | __swift/apps/base/staff/class.Controller_Home.php |
staff_dashboard_end | Is executed after all tabs are rendered in the staff dashboard. | __swift/apps/base/staff/class.Controller_Home.php |
staff_dashboard_counter_end | Is executed after the counters are processed in the staff dashboard. | __swift/apps/base/staff/class.Controller_Home.php |
staff_user_tabs | Is executed after the tabs are rendered in the 'User' section of staff control panel. | __swift/apps/base/staff/class.View_User.php |
staff_user_infobox | Is executed in the User Information box after all the data is rendered. | __swift/apps/base/staff/class.View_User.php |
staff_user_tree | Is executed in the User Tree right after the 'User Groups' nodes. | __swift/apps/base/library/User/class.SWIFT_UserRenderManager.php |
staff_user_runchecks | Is executed after all the checks have been carried out whilst inserting/updating a User. | __swift/apps/base/staff/class.Controller_User.php |
staff_user_insert | Is executed after a User is inserted. | __swift/apps/base/staff/class.Controller_User.php |
staff_user_update | Is executed after a User is updated. | __swift/apps/base/staff/class.Controller_User.php |
staff_user_disable | Is executed when a User is disabled. | __swift/apps/base/staff/class.Controller_User.php |
staff_user_enable | Is executed when a User is enabled. | __swift/apps/base/staff/class.Controller_User.php |
staff_user_delete | Is executed when a User is deleted. | __swift/apps/base/staff/class.Controller_User.php |
staff_userorganization_tabs | Is executed after the tabs are rendered in the 'User Organization' section of staff control panel. | __swift/apps/base/staff/class.View_UserOrganization.php |
staff_userorganization_runchecks | Is executed after all the checks have been carried out whilst inserting/updating a User Organization. | __swift/apps/base/staff/class.Controller_UserOrganization.php |
staff_userorganization_insert | Is executed after a User Organization is inserted. | __swift/apps/base/staff/class.Controller_UserOrganization.php |
staff_userorganization_update | Is executed after a User Organization is updated. | __swift/apps/base/staff/class.Controller_UserOrganization.php |
staff_userorganization_delete | Is executed when a User Organization is deleted. | __swift/apps/base/staff/class.Controller_UserOrganization.php |
staff_tickets_viewtickettab | Is executed after all tabs are rendered in the View Ticket controller. This hook can be used to add custom tabs when viewing a ticket. | __apps/tickets/staff/class.View_Ticket.php |
staff_newticket_tabs | Is executed after all the tabs for New Ticket section are rendered. | __apps/tickets/staff/class.View_Ticket.php |
staff_newticket_create | Is executed when the New Ticket data is submitted. | __apps/tickets/staff/class.Controller_Ticket.php |
staff_ticket_edittab | Is executed in the Edit tab after the fields are rendered. | __apps/tickets/staff/class.View_Ticket.php |
staff_ticket_edit | Is executed when the Edit tab data is submitted. | __apps/tickets/staff/class.Controller_Ticket.php |
staff_ticket_generaltab | Is executed in the General tab after the fields are rendered. | __apps/tickets/staff/class.View_Ticket.php |
staff_ticket_general | Is executed when the General tab data is submitted. | __apps/tickets/staff/class.Controller_Ticket.php |
staff_ticket_generaltoolbar | Is executed in the General tab toolbar after all the buttons are rendered. | __apps/tickets/staff/class.View_Ticket.php |
staff_ticket_replytabtoolbar | Is executed in the Reply tab toolbar after all the buttons are rendered. | __apps/tickets/staff/class.View_Ticket.php |
staff_ticket_dispatchtab | Is executed in the Dispatch tab (New Ticket/Reply/Forward) after all the data is rendered. | __apps/tickets/staff/class.View_Ticket.php |
staff_ticket_workflow | Is executed in the Reply tab after the workflow options are rendered. | __apps/tickets/staff/class.View_Ticket.php |
staff_ticket_reply | Is executed when the Reply tab data is submitted. | __apps/tickets/staff/class.Controller_Ticket.php |
staff_ticket_billingtab | Is executed in the Billing tab after all the data is rendered. | __apps/tickets/staff/class.View_Ticket.php |
staff_ticket_billing | Is executed when the Billing tab data is submitted. | __apps/tickets/staff/class.Controller_Ticket.php |
staff_ticket_forwardtab | Is executed in the Forward tab after all the data is rendered. | __apps/tickets/staff/class.View_Ticket.php |
staff_ticket_forward | Is executed when the Forward tab data is submitted. | __apps/tickets/staff/class.Controller_Ticket.php |
staff_ticket_followuptab | Is executed in the Follow-Up tab after all the data is rendered. | __apps/tickets/staff/class.View_Ticket.php |
staff_ticket_followup | Is executed when the Follow-Up tab data is submitted. | __apps/tickets/staff/class.Controller_Ticket.php |
staff_ticket_releasetab | Is executed in the Release tab after all the data is rendered. | __apps/tickets/staff/class.View_Ticket.php |
staff_ticket_release | Is executed when the Release tab data is submitted. | __apps/tickets/staff/class.Controller_Ticket.php |
staff_ticket_infobox | Is executed in the Information box after all the data is rendered. | __apps/tickets/staff/class.View_Ticket.php |
staff_ticket_tree | Is executed in the Ticket tree right after the 'Trash' node. | __apps/tickets/library/View/class.SWIFT_TicketViewRenderer.php |
staff_call_delete | Is executed when a Call is deleted. | __apps/livechat/staff/class.Controller_Call.php |
staff_call_toolbar | Is executed in the Call tab toolbar after all the buttons are rendered. | __apps/livechat/staff/class.View_Call.php |
staff_call_tabs | Is executed after all the tabs are rendered in the Call section. | __apps/livechat/staff/class.View_Call.php |
staff_call_tree | Is executed in the Calls tree before all the primary nodes. | __apps/livechat/staff/class.View_Call.php |
staff_chat_delete | Is executed when a Chat is deleted. | __apps/livechat/staff/class.Controller_ChatHistory.php |
staff_chat_submit | Is executed when a Chat is updated. | __apps/livechat/staff/class.Controller_ChatHistory.php |
staff_chat_toolbar | Is executed when a Chat toolbar is rendered. | __apps/livechat/staff/class.View_ChatHistory.php |
staff_chat_tabs | Is executed when all the Chat tabs are rendered. | __apps/livechat/staff/class.View_ChatHistory.php |
staff_chat_generaltab | Is executed when all the properties in the General tab under Chat section are rendered. | __apps/livechat/staff/class.View_ChatHistory.php |
staff_message_delete | Is executed when an offline message is deleted. | __apps/livechat/staff/class.Controller_Message.php |
staff_message_viewsubmit | Is executed when a message is updated. | __apps/livechat/staff/class.Controller_Message.php |
staff_message_reply | Is executed when a reply to a message is submitted. | __apps/livechat/staff/class.Controller_Message.php |
staff_message_toolbar | Is executed when all the toolbar buttons are rendered in the General tab of Messages. | __apps/livechat/staff/class.View_Message.php |
staff_message_generaltab | Is executed after the primary properties are rendered in the General tab of Messages. | __apps/livechat/staff/class.View_Message.php |
staff_message_tabs | Is executed after all the tabs are rendered in the Messages section. | __apps/livechat/staff/class.View_Message.php |
staff_preferences_submit | Is executed when the staff preferences are updated. | __swift/apps/base/staff/class.Controller_Preferences.php |
staff_preferences_runchecks | Is executed when the checks are run for the submitted data in staff preferences. | __swift/apps/base/staff/class.Controller_Preferences.php |
staff_preferences_toolbar | Is executed when all the toolbar buttons are rendered in the General tab of Staff Preferences. | __swift/apps/base/staff/class.View_Preferences.php |
staff_preferences_generaltab | Is executed after the primary properties are rendered in the General tab of Staff Preferences. | __swift/apps/base/staff/class.View_Preferences.php |
staff_preferences_tabs | Is executed after all the tabs are rendered in the Staff Preferences section. | __swift/apps/base/staff/class.View_Preferences.php |
Client Support Center:
Name |
Description |
Location |
client_init | Is executed after the preliminary initialization of client support center interface but before any output is sent to the user. | __swift/library/Controllers/class.Controller_client.php |
client_userlogin | Is executed after the user successfully logs in to the client support center. | __swift/apps/base/client/class.Controller_User.php |
client_user_register | Is executed when the registration form is rendered for the user. | __swift/apps/base/client/class.Controller_UserRegistration.php |
client_user_registerchecks | Is executed when the registration form is submitted and checks are carried out. | __swift/apps/base/client/class.Controller_UserRegistration.php |
client_user_registersubmit | Is executed when the registration form is submitted and the user is registered. | __swift/apps/base/client/class.Controller_UserRegistration.php |
client_user_profile | Is executed when the profile form is rendered. | __swift/apps/base/client/class.Controller_UserAccount.php |
client_user_profilechecks | Is executed when the profile form is submitted and the checks are carried out. | __swift/apps/base/client/class.Controller_UserAccount.php |
client_user_profilesubmit | Is executed when the profile form is submitted and the update is carried out. | __swift/apps/base/client/class.Controller_UserAccount.php |
Visitor (User Chat Interface):
Name |
Description |
Location |
visitor_chat_request | Is executed when the visitor requests a chat. | __apps/livechat/visitor/class.Controller_Chat.php |
visitor_chat_inline | Is executed when an inline chat request is dispatched to the visitor. | __apps/livechat/visitor/class.Controller_Chat.php |
visitor_chat_start | Is executed when the chat is started. | __apps/livechat/visitor/class.Controller_Chat.php |
visitor_chat_end | Is executed when the chat is ended. | __apps/livechat/visitor/class.Controller_Chat.php |
visitor_chat_messagesubmit | Is executed when a chat message is submitted. | __apps/livechat/visitor/class.Controller_Chat.php |
visitor_message_submit | Is executed when an offline message is submitted. | __apps/livechat/visitor/class.Controller_Chat.php |
visitor_chat_survey | Is executed when a survey page is rendered. | __apps/livechat/visitor/class.Controller_Chat.php |
visitor_chat_surveysubmitpre | Is executed before the survey data is submitted. | __apps/livechat/visitor/class.Controller_Chat.php |
visitor_chat_surveysubmitpost | Is executed after the survey data is submitted. | __apps/livechat/visitor/class.Controller_Chat.php |
visitor_chat_event | Is executed when a chat event is processed. | __apps/livechat/library/Chat/class.SWIFT_ChatEventClient.php |
visitor_chat_eventaccepted | Is executed when a visitor accepts a chat. | __apps/livechat/library/Chat/class.SWIFT_ChatEventClient.php |
visitor_chat_eventnoanswer | Is executed when the chat was not answered. | __apps/livechat/library/Chat/class.SWIFT_ChatEventClient.php |
visitor_chat_eventended | Is executed when the chat ended. | __apps/livechat/library/Chat/class.SWIFT_ChatEventClient.php |
Desktop (Staff Chat Interface):
Name |
Description |
Location |
desktop_chat_event | Is executed when a chat event is processed. | __apps/livechat/library/Chat/class.SWIFT_ChatEventWinapp.php |
desktop_incoming | Is executed when an incoming XML event node is received. | __apps/livechat/library/Chat/class.SWIFT_ChatEventClient.php |
desktop_incoming_chat | Is executed when an incoming XML chat node is received. | __apps/livechat/library/Chat/class.SWIFT_ChatEventClient.php |
desktop_incoming_visitor | Is executed when an incoming XML visitor node is received. | __apps/livechat/library/Chat/class.SWIFT_ChatEventClient.php |
desktop_chat_evententer | Is executed when a staff enters the chat. | __apps/livechat/library/Chat/class.SWIFT_ChatEventClient.php |
desktop_chatevent_leave | Is executed when a staff leaves the chat. | __apps/livechat/library/Chat/class.SWIFT_ChatEventClient.php |
desktop_chatevent_refuse | Is executed when a staff refuses the chat. | __apps/livechat/library/Chat/class.SWIFT_ChatEventClient.php |