This article provides details about the REST - TicketCustomField API call that Kayako Classic uses, including its field types, arguments, and responses.
- Custom field types
- GET /Tickets/TicketCustomField?$ticketid$
- POST /Tickets/TicketCustomField/$ticketid$
Custom Field Types
The type of custom field (e.g., text area, select box) is denoted by a unique identifier.
Field type |
Identifier |
Text | 1 |
Text area | 2 |
Password | 3 |
Checkbox | 4 |
Radio | 5 |
Select | 6 |
Multi-Select | 7 |
Custom | 8 |
Linked select fields | 9 |
Date | 10 |
File | 11 |
GET /Tickets/TicketCustomField?$ticketid$
Retrieve a list of a ticket's custom fields.
Note: API supported in version > v4.01.220
Red = required
Name |
Description |
$ticketid$ | The unique numeric identifier of the ticket. |
<group id="4" title="Test Ticket">
<field id="2" type="1" name="ab32ds122" title="Test">TestPlaintext Field</field>
<field id="3" type="9" name="fd923nds2" title="LinkedSelect">Product > Fusion</field>
<field id="4" type="7" name="mcz923nxa" title="Multiple">Value1,Value2</field>
<field id="5" type="10" name="z13nc8923"title="Date">05/24/2011</field>
<field id="6" type="11" name="mds923nx92" title="File"filename="report.txt">VTFkSlJsUXRNVE01TURvZ1EzVnpkRzl0SUVacFpXeGtjeUJwYmlCVWFXTnJaWFFnVm1sbGQzTUtDbE5YU1VaVUxURXpPVEU2SUZCMVlteHBZeTlRY21sMllYUmxJRlpwYzJsaWFXeHBkSGtnVkc5bloyeGxJR2x1SUZWelpYSXZWWE5sY2lCUGNtZGhibWw2WVhScGIyNGdRM1Z6ZEc5dElFWnBaV3hrSUVkeWIzVndjd29L</field>
</group><field id="7" type="7" name="u1h2b3ixa"title="Multiple">Value1\, Value2, Value3, Value4, Value5</field>
POST /Tickets/TicketCustomField/$ticketid$
Update the custom field values for a ticket.
Note: API supported in version > v4.40.882
Note: POST and PUT are not interchangeable. POST is only used to create a new record (so if you POST a custom field set to a ticket which already has a custom field set, it will overwrite the existing set).
Arguments (POST variables)
Red = required
Name |
Description |
$FIELDNAME$ | The unique field name of the custom field with the corresponding values to be updated with. This field name is dispatched as an argument in the custom field result above |
<group id="4" title="Test Ticket">
<field id="2" type="1" name="ab32ds122" title="Test">TestPlaintext Field</field>
<field id="3" type="9" name="fd923nds2" title="LinkedSelect">Product > Fusion</field>
<field id="4" type="7" name="mcz923nxa" title="Multiple">Value1,Value2</field>
<field id="5" type="10" name="z13nc8923"title="Date">05/24/2011</field>
<field id="6" type="11" name="mds923nx92" title="File"filename="report.txt">VTFkSlJsUXRNVE01TURvZ1EzVnpkRzl0SUVacFpXeGtjeUJwYmlCVWFXTnJaWFFnVm1sbGQzTUtDbE5YU1VaVUxURXpPVEU2SUZCMVlteHBZeTlRY21sMllYUmxJRlpwYzJsaWFXeHBkSGtnVkc5bloyeGxJR2x1SUZWelpYSXZWWE5sY2lCUGNtZGhibWw2WVhScGIyNGdRM1Z6ZEc5dElFWnBaV3hrSUVkeWIzVndjd29L</field>
</group><field id="7" type="7" name="u1h2b3ixa"title="Multiple">Value1\, Value2, Value3, Value4, Value5</field>