If you upgraded your Kayako Classic to version 4.93.01 and try to run a matrix report, you may notice issues such as:
- Report not generating an output or no data is showing
- Report is producing blank pages
- Report does not run on schedule
- Report is showing as HTML content instead of an Excell format
This issue is a known bug in Kayako Classic 4.93.01. This article provides information on how to fix this issue.
If you are using Kayako Classic 4.93.01, then you are likely to encounter this issue since it is a known bug on this version which was fixed in Kayako Classic 4.93.02 and higher versions. So to resolve this issue, you need to upgrade your helpdesk to the latest version available.
Kayako Classic Download: To upgrade to the latest version of Kayako Classic, please visit the Upgrading or Downgrading Your Kayako Classic Download Helpdesk article.