You may have noticed that the auto-suggest box keeps on showing old and deleted entries or email addresses when adding a recipient to a ticket. To solve this issue, you are looking for a way to remove the unwanted/incorrect/old entries or email addresses from the database so that they are no longer being auto-suggested when typing emails.
Kayako Classic Download Customers
- Access to modify your database.
- Server admin access
Before making changes to your database, we strongly recommend creating a backup copy of it. Refer to Step 2 of the Upgrading or Downgrading Your Kayako Classic Download Helpdesk article to know how to backup your Kayako Classic files.
To resolve your issue, run the following syntax to remove the items from the database:
- Delete from swticketrecipients where ticketemailid in (SELECT ticketemailid from `swticketemails` where email = "EnterEmailAddressToDeleteHere");
- Delete from swticketemails where email = "EnterEmailAddressToDeleteHere";