You may want to create a complete backup of your Kayako Classic tickets just in case something goes awry. Backing up your tickets entails creating a backup of your database. This article provides the steps for creating a backup of your database.
- Admin access to your database and server.
Make a complete database backup
- We recommend you use the command line to make your database backup, so pull up a terminal window and log into your server.
- Run the following command, filling in your details for each [placeholder], to save a local backup of your Kayako Classic database:
On Windows Environments:
mysqldump --databases [your database name] --user=root --password=[your password] > [filepath for your [KayakoClassic_backup] directory] \dump.sql
NOTE: If you try to run this command and it tells you the program cannot be found, you’ll need to navigate to the directory where the MySQL dump tool has been installed and run it again, usually ‘C:\”Program Files"\MySQL\"MySQL Server 5.5"\bin\mysqldump’.
On Linux Environments:
mysqldump -u [your username] -p[your password] [your database name] > [filepath for your [KayakoClassic_backup] directory] /dump.sql
NOTE: If you try to run this command and it tells you the program cannot be found, you’ll need to navigate to the directory where the MySQL dump tool has been installed and run it again. You can get there by typing ‘which mysqldump’ and then navigating to the path the command returns.
- Go to the target directory you specified, and check to make sure the 'dump.sql' file has been created successfully.
- If you wish to add filters such as export data from certain periods only, you may find this article relevant to this query.
- If you are interested in exporting the data into a CSV file, we are sorry but we cannot provide support for this request. You may be able to find relevant information from the internet that would allow you to use mysqldump to save data to CSV files.