When editing ticket properties (e.g., SLA), users might see the following error:
Warning count():
Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable
This article provides information on how to fix the issue.
- Admin access to the server
NOTE: The issue described in this article have been observed if running an older version such as Kayako Classic Version 4.93.0 and possibly on lower versions. Hence, the solution below is applicable only to the said version/s.
- On your Kayako server, navigate to the file:
- Open the file and replace the code on line number 1598 with the following
$_outputData .= '<label ' . IIF((!empty($_defaultValueContainer) && strpos($_name, 'replycc') === 0), '', 'style="display:none;"') . ' class="toggle-check toggle-all">All <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" class="parent-checkbox"></label>';
- Save the file.
- Finally, clear the cache folder under