You may encounter a problem where an auto-response is sent to a particular email, and if the email account from which the email originated is also configured to send an auto-responder mail, then it results in a loop in the support desk. To avoid this situation, the loop rules are provided in Kayako Classic. These rules are designed to prevent loops created by autoresponder or out-of-office emails despatched from the user’s end.
This article provides information on how to fine-tune or create a loop blocker rule.
The loop rules come into play when the support desk fetches an email originating from the same email address an "x" number of times before the elapse of the time interval set by the loop rule. For example, the time interval set by the loop rule for consecutive emails originating from the same email address is 10 minutes, so, if an email originates from the same email address in less than 10 minutes of interval, it will be ignored by the support desk, in order to cut the loop. Blockages created by these rules are removed after the specified timeframe.
A Default Rule is already inserted in the help desk, so as to avoid the looping issues in the help desk, in case the Administrator forgets to create a new rule. This rule can not be deleted but you can fine-tune it or create a new one.
See the loop blocker rule attributes below:
Rule title |
This is the title/name of the loop rule you are about to create in the support desk. You may keep it according to your preferences. |
Timeframe |
This is the minimum time difference between two consecutive emails originating from the same email account, failing which the loop rule gets triggered. this time frame is measured in seconds, hence 600 seconds equals 10 minutes. |
Maximum emails within the timeframe |
This is the maximum number of emails fetched from the same email account within the minimum time frame difference (as described by Watching Timeframe), failing which the loop rule gets triggered. For example, if you set this number to 2, then if a third email is fetched from the same email account before the expiry of Watching Timeframe, the loop rule gets triggered. |
Remove loop blockage after |
This is the amount of time after which the loop rule will be automatically removed. This time will always be more than the Watching Timeframe. This is also measured in seconds. |
- Admin access with "insert or update email loop blocker rules" permission.
To edit or create loop blocker rules:
- Log in to the Admin Control Panel.
- From the Home tab, click Email Parser and click Loop Blocker Rules.
- Do one of the following:
- Click the 'Default rule' if you wish to fine-tune the existing default rule.
- Click the +New button to create a new rule.
- Click Save when done.