If you wish to generate a report of tickets that were received in a day and were responded to by agents on the same day, unfortunately, this entire requirement is not possible. However, you can create a KQL query that will list the count of ticket replies made by staff users within 24 hours and within a given month.
Reports in Kayako Classic lets you access the huge amount of data in your helpdesk and turn that data into useful information.
Kayako Classic allows you to create your own using Kayako Query Language (KQL). KQL is the syntax used to define a report. KQL is used to specify the data you want to include in your reports and how the data should be displayed.
A sample KQL syntax that would allow you to achieve this need is the following:
SELECT 'Tickets.Ticket Mask ID', 'Ticket Posts.Creator', 'Ticket Posts.Creation Date',
'Ticket Posts.Response Time' FROM 'Ticket Posts' WHERE ('Ticket Posts.Response Time' > 0
AND 'Ticket Posts.Response Time' < '1d') AND 'Tickets.creation Date' = MONTH (October 2020)
AND 'Ticket Posts.Creator' = 'Staff' ORDER BY 'Tickets.Ticket Mask ID' ASC
Use this syntax to build your report. To learn more about building reports in Kayako, visit the Introduction to Building and Running Reports article.
NOTE: The given month on the above sample KQL syntax is 'October 2020' which you should change accordingly.