The Kayako Classic 4.93.20 release contains a fix for four (4) issues. This article describes the problems that have been fixed in this version and provides their reference IDs.
- If you are hosting Kayako Classic by yourself, please follow the instructions in the article: Upgrading or Downgrading Your Kayako Classic Download Helpdesk.
- Find out more about our product at the Kayako Classic page.
List of Issues Fixed
- When Mass Replies are sent from Staff CP or when a reply is sent from mobile apps, the formatting on staff replies was being stripped. (KAYAKOC-11827)
- Session expiry settings in Admin CP -> Settings -> Security were not working. (KAYAKOC-19644)
- The Name text box is missing on the form used by visitors when live support is offline. (KAYAKOC-20735)
- One of the required fields is empty error message was being displayed upon visitor's login to the helpdesk. (KAYAKOC-18658)