Users might experience problems while using Kayako Classic on mobiles such as being unable to log in or having the iOS app swipe-to-delete functionality not behaving as intended or the messages containing HTML code. This article explains how to correctly troubleshoot those issues.
Check app and device details
When one encounters a problem with one of the mobile apps, there are a couple of areas that need to be reviewed right away.
- Kayako Classic app version - One needs to ensure the latest version of Kayako Classic is installed by following the links in the Kayako Classic Mobile App for iOS and Android article. Running older versions can lead to different issues such as:
- OS version - The app might not behave as intended in older versions of Android and iOS so it is imperative to run versions of the OS that are still supported.
Review URL details
One of the most likely reasons for the login to fail besides using incorrect credentials is when one is trying to connect to the incorrect URL. The article Error 'Unable to log in: Failed to connect' When Using the Mobile Application goes into detail on which areas need to be reviewed.
Cleaning up the sessions table
Check the count for old session records by executing the following query:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM swsessions;
If the query execution time takes several seconds and the count shows a huge record volume, the solution is to clean up their sessions table.
Example output:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM swsessions;
| COUNT(*) |
| 2188969 |
1 row in set (27.621 sec)
In the above example, the sessions table has well over 2 million records which is a lot. The recommendation, in this case, is to run this query to delete session records older than 2 weeks:
Note: We always recommend backing up your database before performing any manual operations such as this one.
DELETE FROM swsessions WHERE lastactivity < 1638511200;
Review swipe to delete behavior
If one is experiencing unexpected behavior with the swipe to delete functionality in iOS and is already using the latest version, it is necessary to review the Problem with the iOS Swipe to Delete Function as the behavior might be intended.
Contact support
If the problem persists after following the guidelines above, one can Contact Support with the information below to further troubleshoot the issue.
- Details of the issue such as reproduction steps and screenshots.
- The device details such as the OS and its version.
- Secure Access to the Kayako Classic Instance or at least the version of Kayako Classic being used.