The quick and regular searches do not work correctly where they return incomplete or no search results.
This is a known issue for the MySql version >= 8.0.22.
Please consider these workarounds:
- (recommended) Downgrade MySql to 8.0.21. Though, keep in mind that a simple rollback is not available in MySQL 8 (see 2.12 Downgrading MySQL for details)
- Alter the __swift\apps\base\library\UserInterface\class.SWIFT_UserInterfaceGrid.php
- Replace line 2472 with the following:
return "CAST(". $_SWIFT->Database->Escape($_fieldName)." AS BINARY) NOT REGEXP concat(char(60),'img[',char(94),char(62),']*".$searchQuery."[',char(94),char(62),']*')";
- Replace line 2472 with the following:
As a side-note, you should also consider the following:
- The currently configured search depth is 62 instead of the recommended 7. Changing it might be beneficial.
- MyIsam tables often crash or lead to degraded performance. Changing their engine to InnoDB might be beneficial. You can follow that external discussion How to convert all tables from MyISAM into InnoDB? for insights.