Email Configuration
- "stream_socket_enable_crypto():" Error While Sending Ticket Updates
- "Unable to connect with TLS encryption" Error when Sending Emails
- "Unable to connect with TLS encryption" error when sending Kayako emails using Microsoft Office 365
- Adding and Configuring Email Queues to Receive Tickets via Email
- Are Emails Going Out of a Pipe Email Queue Being Sent Through Kayako's SMTP?
- Blocking Spam Emails From a Specific Email Address or Domain
- Configuring Kayako Classic to Use an External SMTP Server
- Creating a Rule That Automatically Changes the Requester's Email Address or Adds Another Recipient
- Does Kayako Classic Support STARTTLS Encryption?
- Duplicate Tickets are Created From Your Email Queue
- Email Flow not Working in Kayako Classic Instance Using O365
- Email Parser Log
- Email Sender Name Does not Match Staff Name
- Emails Coming From Kayako Are Detected as SPAM Even After Configuring the SPF Record
- Emails Sent From the Helpdesk Are Showing as Blank Emails on End-Users or Recipients
- Error "From Email is Empty #0..." When Parsing Emails
- Error 'Uncaught Exception: Failed to Authenticate on SMTP Server With Username' When Sending Auto-Responses
- Fixing the Error "The helpdesk has no email queues for the email recipients"
- Fixing the Error 'Uncaught Exception: Expected response code 250 but got code "235", with message 235 2.7.0 Authentication successful' When Sending Replies to Tickets
- Fixing the Error 'Uncaught Exception: Expected response code 250 but got code "535", with message "535 5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted' When Using a Gmail Account
- Forwarded Emails or Messages From Office 365 Are Failing
- Handling the Error "preg_split(): Unknown modifier '=' " When Running the Fetch Emails Task Manually
- Handling the Error 'IMAP Connection Broken (Server Response)' When Setting Up the Email Parser Queue
- Handling the Error 'Server Disables Login, No Recognized SASL Authenticator' When Setting Up the Email Parser Queue
- How Can I Restrict Tickets Coming Into Kayako Classic Based on Attachment Size?
- How Can We Disable the Auto-Response Email From a Specific Email Queue?
- How Does the Number of Emails to Download in Batch From the Email Parser Settings Affect Performance?
- Manually Adding or Removing Email IDs from Banned List
- Missing Ticket due to Email being Rejected with "The Source Email Address is the Same as an Email Queue"
- Problems Adding Email Addresses That Contain Apostrophes in CC and BCC Field